
Sunday 27 February 2011

You work in TV....WOW it must be so glamorous.

"So what do you do?"
"I work in TV."
"Wow that must be so glamorous all those celebrities, and lights."

Whenever you meet someone new and they ask about your job it can go one of two ways, if they work in TV too you get the look of sympathy. The 'you too look', the look of I want to be your friend to tap you up for a job later on. Or if they don't work in TV the look of awe. They think its amazing, exciting and even "Glamorous".

Well its NOT!

No Green rooms piled high with free food
 Its long hours, late nights, early mornings and little pay. There's no rubbing shoulders with the stars at celeb parties and no green room stuffed to the ceiling with endless supplies of free food and drink, instead there's a  pre-packed stale Tesco sandwich which you had to go and bulk buy from the supermarket and  trudged back to the studio for everyone to eat. And if your lucky you get twenty minutes to sit and eat before dragging yourself back to the job at hand. Endless standing around in the cold and wet, hire cars that don't work and fighting with the tax man for a rebate because you have 15 P45's for the year all of which have emergency taxed you, and thats if your not self employed when you have to work out your own tax and national insurance. But why do we do it you ask?

We do it for that one moment where your name comes up on the credits at the end of the show and you get excited and make sure all your friends have seen it. We do it because what else could we do?

We meet new people, work on things we are proud of (and some we are not!). In my future blogs I will tell you the tales from the industry the glam and the not so glam aspects of working in TV.  To come there are Ghosts, Ramsgate, Talk shows, roof tops, kids art shows, auditions, dating shows, and much more...

Stay tuned......

1 comment:

  1. Well, you could teach English abroad. It sounds rather similar, shit conditions, poor pay and yes, I'm also familiar with that 'you too' look :(
